Jun 22, 2012

The Expressionless: Fact or Fiction?

A few days ago, I encountered a story on the internet. An Urban legend, the details mentioned there are pretty creepy as well. It feels like the story has been taken right out of a horror flick. Although I believe this is more fiction than fact, I would like to take you though the story nonetheless.
In June of 1972, a woman appeared in Cedar Senai hospital in nothing but a white, blood-covered gown. Now this, in itself, should not be too surprising as people often have accidents nearby and come to the nearest hospital for medical attention. But there were two things that caused people who saw her to vomit and flee in terror. 

Checkpoint 1: Note the fact here that people started to flee in terror. Also Cedar Sinai Medical Center is a reputed hospital in LA, California. Its wikipedia page has no mention of this incident.

The first being that she wasn't exactly human. she resembled something close to a mannequin, but had the dexterity and fluidity of a normal human being. Her face, was as flawless as a mannequins, devoid of eyebrows and smeared in make-up. 

Well, she could have been a fan of the Shahnaz Hussain products. Oh wait, these products didn't exist in 1972.

She had a kitten clenched in between her teeth, her jaws clamped so unnaturally tightly around it to the point where no teeth could be seen, the blood was still squirting out over her gown and onto the floor. She then pulled it out of her mouth, tossed it aside and collapsed.

That is gross. Exactly what happens in those horror movies. Checkpoint 2.

From the moment she stepped through the entrance to when she was taken to a hospital room and cleaned up before being prepped for sedation, she was completely calm, expressionless and motionless. The doctors thought it best to restrain her until the authorities could arrive and she did not protest. They were unable to get any kind of response from her and most staff members felt too uncomfortable to look directly at her for more than a few seconds. 

Considering what she did some time back, this was an expected response from the authorities.

But the second the staff tried to sedate her, she fought back with extreme force. Two members of staff had to hold her down as her body rose up on the bed with that same, blank expression. 

Well, this was unexpected, right? Two members had to hold her down as her body rose up. It shows that she had supernatural strength. Where were the Winchesters?

She turned her emotionless eyes towards the male doctor and did something unusual. She smiled.As she did, the female doctor screamed and let go out of shock. In the womans mouth were not human teeth, but long, sharp spikes. Too long for her mouth to close fully without causing any damage… 

Go back to Checkpoint 2. When she took the kitten out of her mouth, why did no one notice that she had sharp teeth?

The male doctor stared back at her for a moment before asking "What in the hell are you?" She cracked her neck down to her shoulder to observe him, still smiling.There was a long pause, the security had been alerted and could be heard coming down the hallway.

Okay, here comes the climax. Hold tight.

As he heard them, she darted forward, sinking her teeth into the front of his throat, ripping out his jugular & letting him fall to the floor, gasping for air as he choked on his own blood. She stood up and leaned over him, her face coming dangerously close to his as the life faded from his eyes. 

Ok, the doctor seems to be helpless here. Why on earth, did he not fight back? Hitting someone with your elbows can be painful. And where were the others. How did they let her leap onto the doctor so easily?

She leaned closer and whispered in his ear.
The doctors eyes filled with fear as he watched her calmly walk away to greet the security men. His last ever sight would be watching her feast on them one by one. 

Okay, are security guards so helpless? Secondly, does God want to hurt innocent beings?

The female doctor who survived the incident named her "The Expressionless".
There was never a sighting of her again. 

Go back to Checkpoint 1. The people who had already fled, apparently didn't inform the authorities. No one called 911. Why? And where could she have possibly gone after leaving the hospital. How come no one noticed her on the streets?

In the picture which appears along with the post, she does look like a mannequin, but there are no blood stains. Maybe it was taken after they changed her. However, how did the photographer survive to tell his tale?

However, there is another angle to this(it's just my speculation). Let us just assume it's true and try and give a possible explanation to this. It is possible that a large company (like the Umbrella Corporation in Resident Evil) could have been conducting genetic experiments in humans, and this monster breed was just one of their puppets. She could have escaped from the facility. Hungry, she grabbed a kitten not knowing what to eat(owing to the synthetic food provided in the labs), and ended up in a hospital. With the memories of the tests conducted on her, she started to fight back only when she was about to be sedated. The company, on realizing what had happened quickly tried to clean up their mess, and grabbed her shortly after the incident. They were careful enough never to let any other prototype escape, so there was no sighting again. The fact that she said she was God could have been the imagination of the nurse. The concerned authorities subdued the incident once they realized that it would just cause panic and the information was never made public. Until the internet came into being...

Even then, I would have to conclude this as just fantasy, no matter how much I would like it to be true.

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